
Friday, February 28, 2014

Pow Wow Nails

Picture Courtesy to Eccbacc


Hello...lately I needed something new with my nails because they were starting to bore me.  Do you ever get the feeling of a dull nails?  I was thinking of what I should do for my blog, of course I went to research and saw the DIY nail art. What a perfect way to fancy up the nails and make them BEAUTIFUL!  Let's get started!

What you will need:

  • Tape
  • Three colors of nail polish
  • Paper towels
  • Scissors
  • Slumber Party (this one isn't a MUST)

Step One

Take your tape (average type) and cut the tape in three slits.  It depends on how thick or thin your lines want to be.  As seen in the picture please do NOT cut the tape in half because you are going to stick your tape onto your nails for an outline.

Any type of pattern

Put on the tape to the nail

Step Two 

Take your lightest color of nail polish and just add a base coat.  This way, when you layer it will be easier to see.
Base coat (I used Essie for all nail polish)

Step Three

Stick on your tape onto your nail, have the tape be from nail to nail.  Make sure the tape is on so if you apply the nail polish it won't move.  Have the second darkest shade for this layer.  (Tip: Let it dry for at least twenty minutes)
Apply the nail polish

Step Four 

Carefully move up the tape to make another layer.  Have the previous nail polish be dried before moving it up.  Then take the darkest shade of nail polish and apply it. (Again dry the nail polish for twenty minutes)  Tada!!!!

Wait twenty minutes before taking off 

Add another color (preferred)

 Finished Look

Finished Look

I hope you guys liked the tutorial and it thought it was SUPER easy:)  It takes time and practice for it to be perfect.  Don't worry if it looks messy, it took me at least four tries to look at least presentable.  (Keep trying( These are your Pow Wow Nails and as always stay beautiful;) For my idea I found the idea from debshops

Friday, February 14, 2014

"What you know about me?"


"What you know about me?"


Hello! This is your blogger Tushig and Happy Valentines Day!  No, I am not going to show you a Valentines Day Look because it is too late but today I will be showing you an easy but gorgeous looking hair style.  I named it after a song because this week I have been obsessed, I  even made a dance to it ("What you know about me?").   This is mainly girls with long hair but if you short hair, go for it no one is holding you back.  Yes yes...let's get started.

What you will need:

  • a hair band
  • couple of bobby pins (ones that are closest to your hair color)
  • hairspray (if you want)
  • a sassy attitude (duh!)


Brush your hair so all the nasty tangles are out.  You can skip this step if you are bbblllessseedd with not tangled hair (I'm jealous). 


Take a small amount of hair just below your ear.  This will be the hair that will be the "headband braid." Take this part of hair and start braiding it (Hint: hold up your hair while braiding so when you pull over your piece of hair, it wont look all bumpy and strange).

Below the Ears



After finishing the braid, pull it over your head and secure the braid with bobby pins.  I recommend a few bobby pins to keep it in place.


Take the remaining hair and pull it over to one side (which preferred side you want). Now we are going to braid it (fishtail)...yayayaay.  Okay so if you don't know how to fish tail braid then I will be a nice and show you how.  You first want to split your of hair into two sections.  Let's call these two sections A and B (Section A is the left strand and section B is the right strand).  You take a small piece of hair from section A and move it across to section B.  Then you take a small piece of hair from section B to section A.  After that you pretty much do the same thing until you run out of hair.  Congratulation! Now you know how to fish tail braid :)

First split two strands

Take a small chunk from section A

Move the chunk to section B

Take some chunk from section B
Add it on to section A


This is the finished look of the "What you know about me?"  If you want a long lasting look, I would would spray a few spritz of hairspray.   I hope you enjoyed it the new look and as always...stay beautiful:)

Fishtail Braid

Finished Look

Thank you for reading my blog post, for more tutorials for long hairs here is a wonderful website to go to Craftionary.  Bye bye:)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Will You Be My Valentine? Part 2

Image Courtesy to Polyvore

 My Valentine 

Heyyyy, so from last week I guess you guys liked the fictional love story so I am going to finish it...yaya!  Last time, Valentines Day was three weeks away and now it's only like five days away whoo hooo.  I think we should celebrate it rather than ignoring it.  I am sick of hearing people "Oh no, I don't want to go to school on Valentines Day, it will be terrible."  You may be lonely or whatever but it will pass so don't worry:)  Here is a wonderful site if you are lonely (Happynews) Before I babble onto other topics, let's finish this story....

Image courtsey to weheartit

       You open the text to see I guess you are curious now ?  This makes you smile for there is sense of this text message is from the same guy that gave your memorable incidents.  The dreading lunch bell rings marking the end of freedom.  You drag yourself over into Chemistry class and flop onto the chair.  As you start working, a flowing white thing makes your head lift to see what the white object is.  There on your desk is a paper airplane.  You open it up to see an arrow pointing behind you, as you turn around a warm and jokingly voice says, "Did you expect me?"  

       You are able to slip in a shy smile and look down; hopefully the mysterious guy doesn't see your rosy cheeks.  As you try to contain yourself, the mysterious guy sits down next to you.  You heart trembles as you realize and how close the seat is.  "It's Austin" he whispers as the teacher starts to talk.  You stare at him for the glow he emits;he has... the beach blonde hair and sweet almond eyes.  He seems to have a hint of athleticism and the rest is of mischievousness.  You mind wakes you up from your drooling and demands for an answer.  The time is wasting so you slowly whisper back, "Austin is a good name."  He smirks at you and ends the conversation to only listen to the teacher.  This guy most beautiful thing you have ever seen.  You laugh at your thoughts until the sound of the teacher interrupts the your thought with a homework reminder.  As you listen, Austin stands up and leaves the room without any notice. 

       The teacher gives a little nod then returns to talking.  Strangely, you hear some jealousy from the class.  Who is that? I never noticed him in this class until now!  Omg, he is like totally hot!  The more they whisper, your confidence shrinks.  The rest of your day was low-key and the last bell of the day rang as usual.  "Sorry for leaving, I needed to go run an important errand," says Austin.  Time slows as you look into his melting chocolate eyes and he doing the same.  The butterflies rise again, floating now in suspense.  "No, it's fine but why are you interested in me?" you ask.  He leads you to your locker and leans against the neighbor lockers as he answers.  Smoothly you hear him say, "You are unique, something like a rose that took my breath away and I want to get to know you better."   The shy smile is replaced by a smirk as you know this guy will change the rest of the year.  "Oh and don't listen to the whispers from class, they're just filled with jealousy" advised Austin.  You two walk together and the sparks fly, the feeling of love begins.