
Friday, March 14, 2014

What's in My Backpack?

What's in my Backpack?


For this weeks blog, I have planned on showing you guys what I usually pack in my backpack for school.  All these items aren't limited you to what to pack but just giving an example of what I usually carry during school days.  As the year is winding down, more piles of homework is given so I think this is a great time, let's begin!


As you can see here, my backpack is from the company TrailMaker (ClassyChic's sister gave this to me, thank you) and has continuous hearts printed on.  I think the colors compliment well with each other and it can match with every outfit. (An advantage with a pink and brown backpack)  We have laptops at our school so carry mine in a beat up laptop case which I kept for three years now.  I guess you can say that the laptop and the backpack are like a package.

Carrying both can become heavy

Pocket #1 

In my first and smallest pocket of the backpack is where I place my phone and keys. It's a pocket to keep more important items because I usually won't pull things in and out constantly.  It keeps my phone and keys safe. (Tip: Keep your phone and keys somewhere safe.  Place them in the same spot in order to not lose.)

My phone

My Keys

Pocket #2

In my second pocket or second smallest pocket is where I just keep random little knick-knacks in.  For example, my mom always nags about keeping tissues so I have a big stash of three packages.  Hey, you never know when that bloody nose will be in extreme need of tissues. The second thing I have in here are my headphones.  I always keep a pair of headphones just in case I feel like I'm in the mood for listening to music.  The last item are my erasable color pencils.  School always ask from coloring a map to color coding words; I can whip these out and be ready for any assignment.

Random/Not Random Items

Pocket #3

In my third to largest pocket, I keep more important items for school.  I would recommend everyone (especially students in high school) to keep a planner.  As your classes progress and become difficult, the planner will save your life and your your grade.  It will also keep you from becoming a crazy lunatic.  The second item I keep in my backpack are my glasses.  I despise wearing my glasses but I am forced to in order for me to see the board.  The last item is pink pearly beauty bag for products.  When ever I am wearing perfume, lotion, or deodorant;  I carry extra with me because you never know when you will be in need for these important products.  
Important Items

Pocket #4

The last and biggest pocket holds all my books, binders, and notebooks.  Usually I keep my pencil bag, homework binder, and an extra notebook (if I ever need more paper) on a regular daily basis. Today I brought my Spanish and Biology binders home to study (oh the joy) and my English book To Kill A Mocking Bird.  I can also just throw an extra thing in here since it is the biggest pocket..duh.. to carry to school. 

Inside View

Three current items in my backpack

Yayay! We are finally finished with my backpack.  Somedays it can be full and weigh up to a thousand pounds  but other days it weighs light as a feather.  I hope you guys enjoyed the post and as always, stay beautiful!

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