
Friday, December 20, 2013

B.A.N.A.N.A & Honey Face Mask


That title sure grabbed your attention, huh? I am here today to pop pimples! JK…that's nasty, I am NOT doing that but...I am going to be showing a way of slowly but surely getting rid of those gross buggers.  I have been thinking of a way to solve this irritating problem. Lately, these annoying little monsters have been randomly popping out of my head.  This week a huge and red pimple sprung out of  no good reason.  It was between my eyebrows where it drew attention and gave emphasis on my face.  The pimple was practically screaming, "Look at me you fools!" At school, I resembled an Indian girls with an Kunkumam.  

You think this is bad enough?  After that day, two more red pimples appeared out of nowhere… I guess they wanted to say hi or something.  (What ever) The thing is, I usually don't get pimples but if I do, then it's that single pimple shining through out my whole face.  Of course it draws massive attention… or maybe I might be exaggerating. Hehehe:) Enough of me complaining :p  I will be teaching you guys an easy, quick, and natural face mask.  The mask only consists of three simple ingredients; they are probably laying around in your house.  Let's get started!


Measuring Spoons


1 Whole Banana
Real Lemon



Cut and mash one ripe banana into your snazzy bowl until it looks like this:


Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

The Honey

The Lemons Juice 

Mix it all up and voila!  You have your Banana Mask. ( I told you guys it was easy:P)

End Product

Before putting on your mask, make sure to clean your face. Then apply your mask and wait for 10-15 minutes.  Wash off the mask and bam!  Your face is going to look like a baby's bum.  Ok... maybe not a baby's bum but close to that.


After (Such a big difference)

All these ingredients help and soothe your skin with the nutrients you needed.  I found this idea from BeautyBanter  (Hint: Don't use the leftover for the next time you make a mask.  Just make a new batch.)

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