
Friday, March 28, 2014


@ Michaels


Hello readers out there, how are you?  Good, today I am doing something different to spice up this beauty blog and it's called a BFC!!!  In case you haven't read it on Emily's blog, it stands for Best Friend Collab.  You choose any one of your best friends and just talk about your many adventures, how you became friends, and all the other things best friends do.  Besides,it is going to be Emily's birthday next week so it's like a birthday shout for her too!  Yay! you get to learn about us woohoo...okay let's get started.

First Impression...or Calculators

Soo, all I remember of Emily the first time I saw her was this tiny little person who seemed to have this perfect "be my friend" aura.  The moment I sensed this I was like YES I will and be her friend.  It took some time because she was a complete stranger to me and a factor of Emily being shy became a slight problem.  I slowly inched with small conversations but our first like friend thingy was when we were in science (the only class I had with her so it was always in science).  I asked to be her partner and I think she thought I was some sort of a creep but I guess she was fine with it and said, "sure."  The end of science was coming faster and we had to finish our "oh so hard" seventh grade science lab.  We dashed for our calculators and plugged in the numbers. It turned out we had totally different answers; the calculators kept telling us two completely irrelevant numbers.  Being the "intelligent" seventh graders, we traded our old calculators to see if it was the calculator (not us...phhsshsh).  Hahahaha..if I ever went back and saw little Emily and Tushig, I would burst open and laugh.

Please Don't Kill Me Emily

Adventures...and Stalking;)  

Emily and I have a huge list of our adventures we have gone through and experienced through out the years.  Most "adventures" were from last year.  Every other day -- after math class last year -- we both had to drag ourselves to the high school but the most interesting part was sharing our stories.  We would exchange all of our "personal" happenings and exchange laughs along the way.  Even though it was a small five minute walk, that was when we actually became closer.  The most fun factor was having not one person behind us listening and it was second period so we could talk about ANYTHING.  (Emily, if you are reading this then you probably know what I'm talking about.)

Our other adventures consisted of stalking people (more like boys) by searching for their houses (oh jeez now the whole world knows...jk know one reads this blog sooo) and online for two hours hahahaha.  There was also you know just touching, a dead cow's heart and lungs...joyful (and it smelled so nicely...Emily can tell you every thing about it).  We went to this University thing and all these smart and nerdy children were there and we felt really stupid but that was okay.  Also at that University thing, we were forced to dance to this Brave song...I'm sorry can we take a moment to just imagine that.  Imagine all these smart but nerdy kids who are awkward and TOTAL strangers; they wanted all of US to dance and be "crazy." Let's just say... no thank you
Emily and I also made up code names heeehee (Steven, Monkey, AM, and many more), make up dances in our seats (CcccCcc), and sing about food in Emily's lunch:)  (Quesadilla...lllalllalla)

Skiing with Emily and Sabrina :)

Emily <3  

What I love most about Emily is her perrrsonality..yes.  At first she seems shy and you would NEVER think she could be this crazy person after getting to know her better.  Emily is one of the MOST intelligent friend I have ever met and she always a great source to talk to.  Her sense of humor is like mine so when we joke about the most dumbest things, we always have laugh attacks.  Emily loves to dance with her TALENTED dance moves and is always obsessed with Josh Hutcherson (Honey, you can do sooo much better!).  Her tiny little self makes me want to hug her and protect her but do not get fooled because she can perfectly defend herself (she has a full poppin six pack soooo yaaa).  Happy Early Birthday!  I hope you get an Ipad for your birthday and many other incredible wishes you with for... I LOVE YOU EMILY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Oh my gosh so sweet! But the pictures... oh lord. Luv you Tush! Hahaha our memories are the greatest.
