
Friday, April 4, 2014

TaRgEt HaUl



Hello!!! Today I am extremely thrilled to share with you guys my Tarje haul.  Okay, this weekend I went to Target to find some leggings and socks but I started to wander off onto clothes and found myself with a whole basket.  Jeez, my shopping craze can blow up but as soon as it does, I get bored and want to leave.  Annnyyyways, after trying on all these clothes I only chose about three items that I needed or any basics for my closet.  I also bought some beauty products with my own money but it was sooo aggravating for me to not buy another mascara.  Those little poops are really addicting to buy!  

Item #1

The first item I bought was this simple white t-shirt.  I used to have one until I washed the shirt with darks (Tushig do you ever use your brain?) it turned all gross and grey so I was in a need of a plain tee.  I honestly think a plain white t-shirt is an essential for any closet; it can be pair with anything or go as itself (I wore my plain tee with overalls).

Item #2

Yayay, I found myself with another crop top.  This kind of crop top isn't all fancy or proper.  It has more of a laid back feature to it and I think that is what makes it special.  It's also is a muscle tee so it can be worn as a top for swimming suits, bandos, or even tank tops.  The tank top material is extremely soft translating to being realllyy comfy.

Item #3

OVERALLSSSS...okay well I guess I'm a little excited but guys like seriously, I love overalls.  I used to own one as a child but they have made their comeback and are ready to be trendy as ever (If you want to see more of a 90's combacks check out Dani's blog).  This sweet baby is the fashion statement.  Personally, I like overall shorts and dresses than actual pant overalls because the pants makes me look short and chubby.  If you look wonderful in them, I am soooo make everyone jealous, so keep on wearing them!  (Tip: Do not tighten your straps too tight or else it will become an uncomfortable situation.) 

Item #4  

Image Courtesy to Almay
Do you ever get that feeling after wearing mascara everyday?Your eyelashes are like drooping and dying.  Well it's happening to my eyelashes now and I feel bad for them.  The eye make up remover I use is just the plain wipes.  Let me tell you after like three months, my eyelashes started to fall out, literally.  I felt like taking more care of them so I bought the Almay Long and Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover pads.  The advantage to this is it's ready to be used with prepared pads.  I recommend it to people who wear waterproof mascara because 90% of the pad is oil so it's great for removing waterproof eye makeup.

Image Courtsey to Revlon

Item #5  

Beginning from May, I have to attend all these fancy events which translates into buying more makeup!!! Jk, but the only missing beauty product in my makeup collection was a light pink lipgloss.  From Target I bought the Revlon Pango Peach.  The color gives off a slight shine and makes your lips look pumped and big (considering that my lips are already big... I only use one coat).


Item #6

Hey people, I had this craving for white clean shoes.  Do you ever get these cravings for shoes?  Let's make up a term for it and call it Shoe Craves (such a creative term).  After shopping for clothes, I bolted for the shoe section. I bought Van knock offs and they look exactly like the real Vans too. Can you believe it? The shoes were ONLY twelve dollars...yes please one for me!

Thank you for reading the newest haul and as always stay beautiful:)

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