
Friday, May 9, 2014

---MOrning Routine---


Blog stuck was the word in my head for blog ideas until a brilliant idea came forth when I was web searching blog ideas.  I loooove watching Youtuber's morning routine and decided I should do one too. Besides my blog is in the beauty section so I am totally qualified to show off my routine (phss...because my morning routine is like a party #alldayereyday).  Any ways, I swear I do not get distracted easily but let's actually start on the blog.

Out of Bed

Rrrrring, I really do not have a specific time I wake up but I do set my alarm at 6:05.  Like today I woke up at 6:15, I probably slept through my alarm for fifteen minutes (thank you Captain Obvious) oh well it's more sleep time for me!  Right as I jump out of bed I dash to my bathroom to spit out my retainer (eeew nasty) and take care of business.

Nom, Nom, Nom, Breakfast

The second I wake up, my stomach is screaming for food and I will need to feed it. Today's breakfast are eggs, they take time in the morning but if fills me up for the whole day until lunch (I have second lunch so like yea).  To scramble eggs, I use a fork to quickly whip them up.  Before I whip my eggs, I oil my pan with olive oil and light the gas stove to medium.  I quickly pour the whipped eggs and cook until it's semi-brown or at least until preferred 
I usually eat two eggs for breakfast

Get Ready

The only type of toothpaste I use is Colgate
My mission is to finish making my bed and add all the essentials in my packback so I do not forget anything at my house.  I jump into the bathroom and get ready!  Hahaha, just kidding I will actually share with you what I do to get ready.

1. Brush my nasty teeth until they are more than decent enough, please brush your teeth!

2. I pick my clothes for the day (on my moody days I change three times before deciding on a legit outfit).

Three different top ideas I would totally not think about

3. Apply a small amount of make up (either two coats of mascara or just eye shadow)

Still using my favorite Dior Mascara

4. Brush my naughty hair  (haha get it cause it's knotty but naughty? hahah...okay moving on)
5. This eats up all my time but I try to attempt like three or four different hairstyles (EasyHairstyles have some more styles for busy mornings) but hate all of them At the end, I decide to just keep my hair down what a boring person.
6. I return to my bed and of course redo my bed so when I come back home my room is all heavenly.
It's a pillow pet

Leave Mi Casa

It's usually like 6:55 a.m.  or if I am extremely late 7:00 a.m. when I finish getting ready.  I quickly grab snacks for school and tennis.  After, I  decide on which coat to wear then wait for my mom until she is ready to drop me off at school.  (On unlucky days, I am forced to walk to school.  Let me tell you, during the winter it is PITCH black.  I am all alone walking in the dark making it seem like I'm going to get kidnapped).


Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed my exciting morning routine and as always...stay beautiful;)

1 comment:

  1. I have a Spongebob pillow pet. He likes your ladybug.
