
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sleepless Nights Huh?


Hi Guys! It's Tushig and I will be introducing a new concept for my blog.  Twice every two weeks I will be posting tips.  It can be from capturing the best selfie, having an organized locker, or how to achieve the softest skin.  This little tip will be called Tushig's Ten Tips.

Image Courtesy to Sinhalalmg

Tushig's Ten Tips

How to have a great nights sleep!

1. Have everything ready for tomorrow.  I despise waking up in the middle of the night just to remember I have something due the next day and didn't do it! This way all the stress and worries will slowly drift away.

2.  Get ready to go to bed by completing your nightly routine.  (Ex. brushing teeth, washing my face, taking a shower, and changing into comfy pajamas.)  This will be the start of slowing down your day and starting to relax.

3.Get Comfy! Throw your decorative pillows and only keep the one you sleep on.  Toss on your favorite blanket if you get cold at night.  Another way to be comfortable is to have a fan if it gets hot at night.  What ever makes you sleep better depending on the temperature.

4. Read a good book!  Reading a book will make your eyelids heavy as time goes by.  The book has to be something that you are interested in so it will make you want to read more but will help you achieve sleepiness.

5. Do not check any of you electronic device thirty minutes before going to sleep.  I know it is an impossible task but will help you sleep faster.  With a bright light, your brain will think it is time to get up when in reality it is time to go to sleep.

6. If your environment is noisy plug in your ear plugs.   If you don't have any just stuff your ears with tissues.  Don't worry it won't kill your ears. (Or will it?)

7.Close your eyes and think about nothing... I mean it.  What I like to do is to think of how I am lucky to be glad in bed.  I have had a long and rough day.  With this rest, I will be refreshed in the morning.

8. After, think about things that you love.  It can range from your favorite movie, to your fantasy house, or even a cute boy. (I know you have one :) )  These thoughts will definitely make you drowsy.

9.With none of these steps working, I get up and make warm milk.  With warm milk it makes me cozy and warm.  This might sound weird but it's normal in Mongolian culture.  Try it, it's actually soooo good.

10. I like to have all my tips natural or organic but not if going to sleep is a huge problem buy one of Bath and Body's Stress Relief - Eucalyptus Spearmint. (It's a spray)  Just spray it on your pillow and voila you will become relaxed and fall asleep.  (Note: Don't spray too much or it will make you sneeze.)

I hope you guys achieve a great nights sleep!
 Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite:)

Photo Credits:
          "Pretty Little Poet." Pretty Little Poet. Anisa Nasir, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

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