
Friday, November 15, 2013

We all Want Rough, Flaky, and Oily Skin Right?


Hi guys, today I will be sharing tips on how to achieve clear skin in tips.  I am a teenager and I have experience of terrible days where my skin screams red because a zit appeared.  Other days my face is so dry, I look like a zombie... like really.  I get distracted easily but lets get started!

Image Courtesy to Tech Glam  

Tushig's Ten Tips  

Achieving Clear Skin

1.Get plenty of rest because if you are tired then your skin will look tired too.  I have some tips on having a great night's sleep in my previous blog.

2. Consume food that benefit your skin.  Food are an easy way to keep our skin glowing.  One example are dark berries; they help your skin with antioxidants and fiber.  These will maintain and support your clear skin. 

3.  Avoid oily or greasy food.  Oil is one major reasons why people have pimples.  Eating oily fries or anything covered in oil will sure make your skin pop with pimples.

4. Remove your makeup at night.  Without removing it, it plugs your pores making more pimples and unwanted bumps appear.  Also, the makeup seeps into your skin poisoning it.  

5. Don't use too much chemicals on your skin like a skin cleanser or other non-essential cleaners for your skin.  This will remove your natural oils from your skin making it dry and flaky.  Yikes, not a good picture.

6.Apply lotion to your skin usually after washing.  It will dry it fast so with lotion it balances your skin out.  I usually use Lubridurm because it contains Vitamin B5 in the lotion which is great for skin.

7.Drink at least eight to nine cups of water a day.  (This tip is one my weaknesses because whenever I go to school, I forget my water bottle at home and never drink water.)  With water it will clean the body and get rid of any poison in your skin or body.

8.Stress can be another cause for a face full of pimples.  Take bubble baths and relax for a few minutes for stress levels to decrease.  With less the stress, less the pimples.

9.Avoid getting sunburnt. Without applying sunscreen, people can get skin cancer easily.  Sunscreen is easy to put on, especially with the spray one.  Make it part of your daily routine or at least in the summer.  This will be a life saver in the future.

10. Don't rub or touch your face with gross and dirty hands. This will only add up to the plugged pores and making pimples rise. Always wash your hands after arriving home and before washing your face. 

I hope these tips will help you achieve clear skin.  Just keep in mind it might be difficult to remember all tips at first but you can just take one tip at a time. (Then add on as each week goes)  Thank you for reading:) Bye!  

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