
Friday, December 20, 2013

B.A.N.A.N.A & Honey Face Mask


That title sure grabbed your attention, huh? I am here today to pop pimples! JK…that's nasty, I am NOT doing that but...I am going to be showing a way of slowly but surely getting rid of those gross buggers.  I have been thinking of a way to solve this irritating problem. Lately, these annoying little monsters have been randomly popping out of my head.  This week a huge and red pimple sprung out of  no good reason.  It was between my eyebrows where it drew attention and gave emphasis on my face.  The pimple was practically screaming, "Look at me you fools!" At school, I resembled an Indian girls with an Kunkumam.  

You think this is bad enough?  After that day, two more red pimples appeared out of nowhere… I guess they wanted to say hi or something.  (What ever) The thing is, I usually don't get pimples but if I do, then it's that single pimple shining through out my whole face.  Of course it draws massive attention… or maybe I might be exaggerating. Hehehe:) Enough of me complaining :p  I will be teaching you guys an easy, quick, and natural face mask.  The mask only consists of three simple ingredients; they are probably laying around in your house.  Let's get started!


Measuring Spoons


1 Whole Banana
Real Lemon



Cut and mash one ripe banana into your snazzy bowl until it looks like this:


Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

The Honey

The Lemons Juice 

Mix it all up and voila!  You have your Banana Mask. ( I told you guys it was easy:P)

End Product

Before putting on your mask, make sure to clean your face. Then apply your mask and wait for 10-15 minutes.  Wash off the mask and bam!  Your face is going to look like a baby's bum.  Ok... maybe not a baby's bum but close to that.


After (Such a big difference)

All these ingredients help and soothe your skin with the nutrients you needed.  I found this idea from BeautyBanter  (Hint: Don't use the leftover for the next time you make a mask.  Just make a new batch.)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Hectic Holidays needs a Make Up Tutorial

Beauty in a Personal Perspective

Lately, I have been struggling with shopping.  Yes, I may sound like I'm a shopaholic but don't worry I'm not. (Or at least I don't think I am.)  Anyways, shopping... especially shopping for new clothes is the best feeling in the world.  It gives you joy and it enhances your level of fashion.  I don't shop often but I have found my self wrapped in spending enormous amount of money for no reason at all.  Just this week I spent eleven dollars on beauty products.  (That's right eleeeven dollars!)  Hours later did I only notice I spent money on expensive products but I accidentally bought a bronzer that was four dollars.  When I was shopping, I was a big headed teenager thinking I needed a golden shadow pallet. (Especially if the brand was Elf)  The funny thing was, my mind was preoccupied to glance at the big letters screaming Golden Bronzer.  Yes, I learned my lesson on reading labels and paying attention.  Sorry, I will let you go onto the actual tutorial.  Enjoy!


Hey guys, I am recovering from eating turkey yesterday but don't worry today I will be showing you a holiday make up tutorial. Yes, it is definitely that time of year again. I think this look is pretty simple and of course it doesn't need a huge amount of time.  I will name it The Hectic Holiday Make Up Look.  Let's get started!


Apply any kind of foundation or bb cream for the start of the face.  For me I don't like using any kind of that stuff (besides my mother would never allow me to) but here I am just moisturizing my skin with lotion.. yay.
Me being a dork 


I am using the Revlon Colorstay (Smoky Shadow Stick) Torch Incendiaire.  Apply the lighter color as the base of your eyeshadow.  Starting from the middle of your eyelid, softly apply the darker shade of the shadow stick.  From the middle, gradually apply the eyeshadow until the end of your eyelid. (Tip: I like to blend the lighter and darker shades together to make it appear smoky.) 
Apply lighter shade
Apply darker shade


To make your eyes appear wide awake, add a light sparkling color to the corners of your eyes.  (Warning: Do not apply the eyeshadow too close to your inner canthus or it will make your eyes itch and appear red.  Trust me this happened to me before attending a birthday party and I turned out to be a zombie.)  For this tutorial I am using The One Sweep Eye Shadow by Loreal Paris.  

I used the lightest shade


Curl your pretty eyelashes and add your favorite mascara.  I have to admit my eyelashes are remarkably short.  I wasn't blessed with doll like lashes so I have to add extra coat of mascara for people to notice.  Sigh...the things I long for.  Good thing there is makeup for us to enhance our beauty!  I bought this new mascara called The Falsies Big Eyes by Maybelline.  I love the idea of having two separate brushes for upper and lower lashes.  Unfortunately, the upper lash mascara clumps my eyelashes...seriously.   

The Falsies Big Eyes


I skipped the blush part because my cheeks are already red and puffy so they don't need to be emphasized.  If you want to you can add some blush.


The last step is to use a neutral or clear lip product for your lips.  You want more emphasis on your eyes not your lips.  I am using just Chapstick with a candy cane scent.

Smells yummilicious

Finished Look

Eye makeup

Finished look

This is the finished look for the natural yet festive makeup tutorial for the holidays.  I am the type of person to not go all out on my makeup but to not stay too bland.  Keep eating delicious food and have fun.  I hope you guys liked it:)  Stay beautiful!

Friday, November 15, 2013

We all Want Rough, Flaky, and Oily Skin Right?


Hi guys, today I will be sharing tips on how to achieve clear skin in tips.  I am a teenager and I have experience of terrible days where my skin screams red because a zit appeared.  Other days my face is so dry, I look like a zombie... like really.  I get distracted easily but lets get started!

Image Courtesy to Tech Glam  

Tushig's Ten Tips  

Achieving Clear Skin

1.Get plenty of rest because if you are tired then your skin will look tired too.  I have some tips on having a great night's sleep in my previous blog.

2. Consume food that benefit your skin.  Food are an easy way to keep our skin glowing.  One example are dark berries; they help your skin with antioxidants and fiber.  These will maintain and support your clear skin. 

3.  Avoid oily or greasy food.  Oil is one major reasons why people have pimples.  Eating oily fries or anything covered in oil will sure make your skin pop with pimples.

4. Remove your makeup at night.  Without removing it, it plugs your pores making more pimples and unwanted bumps appear.  Also, the makeup seeps into your skin poisoning it.  

5. Don't use too much chemicals on your skin like a skin cleanser or other non-essential cleaners for your skin.  This will remove your natural oils from your skin making it dry and flaky.  Yikes, not a good picture.

6.Apply lotion to your skin usually after washing.  It will dry it fast so with lotion it balances your skin out.  I usually use Lubridurm because it contains Vitamin B5 in the lotion which is great for skin.

7.Drink at least eight to nine cups of water a day.  (This tip is one my weaknesses because whenever I go to school, I forget my water bottle at home and never drink water.)  With water it will clean the body and get rid of any poison in your skin or body.

8.Stress can be another cause for a face full of pimples.  Take bubble baths and relax for a few minutes for stress levels to decrease.  With less the stress, less the pimples.

9.Avoid getting sunburnt. Without applying sunscreen, people can get skin cancer easily.  Sunscreen is easy to put on, especially with the spray one.  Make it part of your daily routine or at least in the summer.  This will be a life saver in the future.

10. Don't rub or touch your face with gross and dirty hands. This will only add up to the plugged pores and making pimples rise. Always wash your hands after arriving home and before washing your face. 

I hope these tips will help you achieve clear skin.  Just keep in mind it might be difficult to remember all tips at first but you can just take one tip at a time. (Then add on as each week goes)  Thank you for reading:) Bye!  

I Never Have the Time!


Hello! This is Tushig and today I am going to be teaching you guys a simple and easy hairstyle for anyone with long hair.  Remember those mornings when you ignored your alarm clock and you only had fifteen minutes to get ready?  I do, and this hair tutorial will change your life.  It only takes five minutes and you will have time:)

    Bang Braid of Excellence


(Tip: Locate a brush that has a quality of softness and massages your head.) Brush your hair until all the nasty knots escape your hair.  You want this to look pretty and effortless, not like you didn't have the time.


Part your hair to the the side.  This will help with the upcoming braid for your hair.  I prefer it on the right side but it can be on the left too.  There should be a line separating your part.
Side Your Hair


Take the top section of the hair next to your forehead.  Don't take too much hair or it will be too thick and it won't appear to be a small delicate braid. 
Separate into Three Sections


Separate three sections of your hair you have just collected and braid it like a regular braid.  If you don't know how to braid here is a quick mini lesson.  With the three strands, put one from the left to the middle of the other two strands, then put the right strand in the middle of the other two strands.  These two steps will needed to be repeated until the strand runs out.  Viola! You have a just completed a braid, congratulations!

Braid, Braid, and Braid


With the braid finished pick any hair accessory that will hold your braid in place.  I prefer clips because they stay in your hair all day long. 

                              Finished Look

As easy as 1, 2, 3 this hair tutorial couldn't be any simpler.  I call it the Bang Braid to Brilliance, and it can be worn with any type of outfit.  The feeling can be styled with classy, rock, girly, or even casual.  I wanted the first hair tutorial takes a little time and easy for beginners. Stay Beautiful! Bye 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sleepless Nights Huh?


Hi Guys! It's Tushig and I will be introducing a new concept for my blog.  Twice every two weeks I will be posting tips.  It can be from capturing the best selfie, having an organized locker, or how to achieve the softest skin.  This little tip will be called Tushig's Ten Tips.

Image Courtesy to Sinhalalmg

Thursday, November 7, 2013

To Wipe or Not to Wipe


Hi guys! This is Tushig and today I am going to discuss about make up removers.  How many of you wanted to take off your make up the easy way?  Of course, the answer is yes!  Sometimes I wish there was a magic button to erase all the makeup.  (Sadly there isn't :'( )

Make Up Remover

Make up wipes are easy to carry but I run into one problem.  I have to wipe them ten are more times ripping my eye lids until five years later, they are sagging like wrinkles.  To solve this horrifying nightmare, I tried a new product. This new makeup remover uses cotton pads with a liquid substance.  It is called Almay Oil Free Eye Make Up.  It contains aloe, cucumber, and green tea to sooth the eyelids.  Before buying this eye make up remover, I compared ones like it.  Most contained oil; I was "totally smart" to see the oil and water separate in the other make up removers.  (Not very intelligent for the comapny to say "oil free" when it is half way filled with oil.) The Almay make up remover is known for gentle eyes and I didn't see any oil separating from water.  Why not give it a try?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Research What???

               Hi guys! This is Tushig and I am going to be your new beauty blogger. This is my first time blogging so please be patient and work with me.  As I turned into a teenager I wanted to become more involved with taking care of my face. (pimples and oily skin)  Also, I wanted review new products or old ones for others to know about.  Since some products are better than others and spending money the right way is important.  Both of these ideas came together and helped me to create a beauty blog.  Having said that I researched three flawless beauty bloggers.  They are my inspiration to what I am going to be in the future.  
                The first blogger that I adore is Keiko Lynn.  I examined her blog carefully to come to a conclusion.  Oh, how I loved the way she organized her page!  I hate disorganized, messy, and unreadable blogs.  By her easy guide to her page and the simplicity of it gave me a goal.  I want my blog to be easy access and control.    Moving right along, the second blogger that caught my attention is Advance Style.  This type of blog is a unique one with the blogger finding older men and women with creative fashion sense.  This caught my attention because of its not so common beauty or fashion blog.  Returning to the search bar I looked for more bloggers with special traits that would grab me into their blogs.  The last blog I found was The Beauty Department.  The special characteristic I found for this blog was the merge of using pictures to explain a topic.  I personally think this is resourceful and interesting to the viewers.  From here to the future, I have goals for myself and for this blog.  I want all three of these important characteristics for my blog; especially with more uniqueness to separate me from all the other beauty bloggers. See you guys next time, bye!