
Friday, May 16, 2014

All Around the World

Photocreds to


Helllooooo, as you already know this will be the last blog post required for this year's English class.  I have mixed feelings about this since now I have learned a new skill but I think I will make a new blog and as soon as I do, I promise to tell you guys.  For today I was thinking of something fun for people to read instead of the same old poo you guys read on beauty blogs (but Katie's Beauty Blog always has the best blog posts you should check her out)  so I made a quick and slow decision (like that even makes sense).  I will be showing you guys three different traditional clothes from different countries.  They may seem all that cool but I think it is so exotic (we are one, OMG one of the Exo members are leaving the group because of the SM company not caring about their freedom and using them as instraments not like humans :'( ) to see diversity in cultures and learn of what their traditions are.

Konnichiwa (Hello! in Japanese)

I am here with my kimono! So this is actually a traditional kimono where Japanese people would wear for holidays or for any festivals.  I bought this when I was living in Japan nine years ago.  It's not like the "in" fake kimonos taht are sold in stores but an actual one.  This thing is sooo comfy and it has gotten smaller on me but whatever.  I heard with the large sleeves, you could store food and other essentials it's like a pocket.  It has a fun vibe by having pink dragon flies and a navy blue background, maybe I can actually wear this with my outfits!

Photocreds to Traditionalsouvenirs

Apaka Svagata (Welcome in Hindu)

My grandmother is a HUGE Buddhist fan or more like into the Buddhism religion (my dad's side of the family in Mongolia) and this winter she finally got to visit one of the best city's, it's like a Mecca.  For those religious trips but I know that my grandmother sure had fun and she brought back with her a dress from India!  I am soo excited to show you something new.  It's a little see through but that is just fine cause spanks are made for a reason.  It has a delicate green ,gold, and yellow print on the vest and the "borders" of the dress.  It would be hilarious if I wore this to school one day but may be I will...someday.  

Photocreds to

Minni Neer... (My name is in Mongolian)

Two years ago I went back to Mongolia and one of the first things my dad wanted for me was a Deel (a traditional clothing item in Mongolia) so we went to this store and it all fancy.  I had a pick out a pattern and a color, then they took measurements of me to make it personally made.  Ummm to much fanciness dad? Anyways, I found the type of style I liked and it took them a few days to sew it all together and tada...this is the outcome.  Del are usually worn in New Years or any special occasions.  This is my fourth time wearing it since I received as a gift from my dad and I am ever so grateful.

Photocreds to Macedoniantruth

Thank you sooo much for reading my last blog post, I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and the new posts every week.  I will miss this incredeibly but there is a fifty percent chance I will make another blog;)  Bye guys and as for the last time stay beautiful :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

---MOrning Routine---


Blog stuck was the word in my head for blog ideas until a brilliant idea came forth when I was web searching blog ideas.  I loooove watching Youtuber's morning routine and decided I should do one too. Besides my blog is in the beauty section so I am totally qualified to show off my routine (phss...because my morning routine is like a party #alldayereyday).  Any ways, I swear I do not get distracted easily but let's actually start on the blog.

Out of Bed

Rrrrring, I really do not have a specific time I wake up but I do set my alarm at 6:05.  Like today I woke up at 6:15, I probably slept through my alarm for fifteen minutes (thank you Captain Obvious) oh well it's more sleep time for me!  Right as I jump out of bed I dash to my bathroom to spit out my retainer (eeew nasty) and take care of business.

Nom, Nom, Nom, Breakfast

The second I wake up, my stomach is screaming for food and I will need to feed it. Today's breakfast are eggs, they take time in the morning but if fills me up for the whole day until lunch (I have second lunch so like yea).  To scramble eggs, I use a fork to quickly whip them up.  Before I whip my eggs, I oil my pan with olive oil and light the gas stove to medium.  I quickly pour the whipped eggs and cook until it's semi-brown or at least until preferred 
I usually eat two eggs for breakfast

Get Ready

The only type of toothpaste I use is Colgate
My mission is to finish making my bed and add all the essentials in my packback so I do not forget anything at my house.  I jump into the bathroom and get ready!  Hahaha, just kidding I will actually share with you what I do to get ready.

1. Brush my nasty teeth until they are more than decent enough, please brush your teeth!

2. I pick my clothes for the day (on my moody days I change three times before deciding on a legit outfit).

Three different top ideas I would totally not think about

3. Apply a small amount of make up (either two coats of mascara or just eye shadow)

Still using my favorite Dior Mascara

4. Brush my naughty hair  (haha get it cause it's knotty but naughty? hahah...okay moving on)
5. This eats up all my time but I try to attempt like three or four different hairstyles (EasyHairstyles have some more styles for busy mornings) but hate all of them At the end, I decide to just keep my hair down what a boring person.
6. I return to my bed and of course redo my bed so when I come back home my room is all heavenly.
It's a pillow pet

Leave Mi Casa

It's usually like 6:55 a.m.  or if I am extremely late 7:00 a.m. when I finish getting ready.  I quickly grab snacks for school and tennis.  After, I  decide on which coat to wear then wait for my mom until she is ready to drop me off at school.  (On unlucky days, I am forced to walk to school.  Let me tell you, during the winter it is PITCH black.  I am all alone walking in the dark making it seem like I'm going to get kidnapped).


Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed my exciting morning routine and as always...stay beautiful;)

Friday, May 2, 2014

**Spring HAUL **

Image Courtesy to Americanwaste


Hi, Hi, Hi…Hello readers…whatcha doing?  For today's blog I am shareing with you my Spring Haul.  My mom and I decided to shop on a dreary Saturday but that didn't stop us from SHOPPING!!!  There were some fights here and there but overall it was a successful shopping spree.  (Just to inform, I do not like buying clothes all at the same time, my technique is to buy few clothes at a time over a long period of time.  This way, I can actually invest in clothes and actually wear what I have bought)  Today is Friday, soooo it's time to party! Just kidding (if you are then, you go girl!) The weekend is here and I am ready to just, ReLaX!  Anyyyways, let's start on this Spring Haul!


Skirts are essential in a spring/summer closet.

**The first item I bought is this peach colored skirt from American Apparel.  My goodness,  it is the most expensive skirt I have ever bought for myself (It was like $45! but totes my goats worth it)**

Love the Color

**The second item is my very own maxi skirt!!!! I was waiting for sooo long to find the perfect one; as soon as I saw it, Hallelujah started playing in the background (it's from Forever 21).  You can see it's a little revealing and for the ones who don't want to show as much skin can spanks or shorts under them.**



I bought two basic shorts for the oncoming summer. (Both are from American Eagle)

** The first item I bought are these mid thigh shorts.  During Spring/Summer time at school, I DID NOT have any bottoms to wear.  All of them were too short to wear (hey I love my shorty-shorts) and now I do actually have at least one thing to wear. **

For School

**High Waisted Shorts!!! Yes yes, this is like heaven because I have soo many crop tops and I was in desperate need for these wonderful shorts:)**
High waisted


Comfyness is the definition of leggings, wearing fashionable ones gives you a look like you actually put effort into your outfit even though you didn't. (shhh don't tell, its a fashion secret;)

**Furry is the first thing that comes to my mind when I wear these leggings.  They have a snake like texture and did I mention comfy?! Yes, girls it is time for furry leggings. These leggings are from a boutique called Spark.**


My closet is full of shirts I NEVER wear or even look at but I decided to buy crop tops!

**White can make your tan POP and gives your skin a glowwwww, so I decided to hunt for the perfect white top.  It came to be in Forever 21 where there were infinite amount of white shirts.  The tank is considered a crop top but has a sheer end to the muscle tank so technically the tank isn't**

That PERFECT white top

**A simple color is the starting point for fashion.  It can be accessorized, layered, or even just worn plain.  I bought this shirt from American Eagle and is on the crop top category.  I made a critical decision on the color because... well, I was going to buy the white version but then I was like eehhhh too much white.**

Plain and Simple

**The last item is a short, short, shorrrrrt crop top.  No, I am not going to wear this with just anything; it will be matched perfectly with my maxi skirt, oh yes!  I bought this crop top from Forever 21 and is a little sassy but I like a hint of sass.**



**Guess what?! I bought a kimono (not a real one) !!!!!!!!!!!! Like "Yes Please," I was waiting for THE perfect colors, style, and print.  It whispered to me like...Tushig I will be your one and only true friend, buy me...BUY ME!  Hahah anyways, I bought this at H&M and I just adore the way the pastel colors of the cherry blossom is gracefully printed onto the kimono.**

Praise to H&M

**Hats, Hats, Hats...hats pull a blanket of style onto your outfit of the day.  I needed one that had a solid pattern but a hint of a girly.  It's like a skater kind of hat from Forever 21 and it's a life saver for those bad hair days (I have those like every single day). **

Hair down...Hat on

That is all for my Spring Haul, I am freaking excited to wear all of my beautiful glorious clothes during the summer. Thank you for reading my blog and as forever and always, stay beautiful;)

  -Disclaimer: my mom only bought clothes I needed like my two shorts while the others were with my OWN money-

Friday, April 25, 2014

From cAuSaL to Classy

A different View


Hello readers!  I just woke up from my nap and my friends are probably wondering where I went but I was sooooo tired that I just totally passed out.  Oh well, for this week, it was campaign week!...and I am running for SophomoreRep; at the end of the week on Friday we had to give our speeches.  I thought I was about to throw up butterflies but it turned out to be good:).  Besides, I didn't have my glasses so everyone looked like a blob various colors.  Before we track off, I am going to show you an outfit of the day sort of thing, let's get started!


I didn't want to arrive to school with TOO much fancyness so I "covered" it up by wearing a plain jean shirt long sleeve thingy (denim shirt).  I didn't button the last two of my denim shirt and tied it together to make it more fitting. As you may be wondering I bought my denim long sleeve from Forever 21 (here is a semi-similar shirt as I am wearing now from Forever 21) and my dress from Tj Maxx.  My bracelet was a gift and my earrings were for my former dance competitions.  I also just wore my white knockoff Vans to give a casual feel.  I still wore my earrings (clip ons hurt) and my bracelete. 

Just Casual


For my classy side, I just kind of stripped off my long sleeve and added a necklace with my five inch heels.  It is extremely difficult walk in those and my bought them for me the day before the speech soooo I didn't have any time to practice.  My biggest worry was to fall in front of everyone because of such high shoes.  Take that high heels!  I did NOT fall and I thanked the High Heel Goddess.

Seriously Wind?
Sparkle Baby!

Thank you for reading today's blog, I hope you guys have a great day (or what is left of it).  And as always, stay beautiful;)  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

50 Random Question Tag


Hello!!! I am here with another blog post yaay!!!! Today I decided to do a 50 Random Questions Tag because I wanted you guys to know more random facts about me woohooo!!  I got this wonderful:) idea from my friend Maddi (check out her blog) and I hope you guys enjoy it, let's get started!

Where were you 3 hours ago?  I was shopping for socks because I easily poke holes in my socks...not a fun trait to have.

Who are you in love with?  My Kpop boy band;)

Image Courtesy to Hancinema

Have you ever eaten a crayon? Umm no and if I had to, then...sure

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Of course!!! My favorite color... duh!!
When is the last time you went to the mall? Three hours ago hahahah 

Are you wearing socks right now? Yes and I feel like taking them of now

Does your family have a car worth over $2,000? I don't pay attention to cars but I think?

When was the last time you drove out of town? Last saturday when I was at one of my best friend's birthday party (We went go karting!!)

Our Dysfunctional Car Ride

Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?- No

Are you hot?- In both ways...heheeee just kidding, no I am not

What was the last thing you had to drink? This TonicIQ drink thingy
What are you wearing right now?-Long jean shirt and peach colored shorts

Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I wish, I haven't even turned fifteen yet which means I do not have a stinkin car!

Last food that you ate?- My stepdad made this experimental pork sandwich...yaaaa

Where were you last week at this time? At home doing homework like any other typical Thursday

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?- No!

When is the last time you ran?- This morning at 7:30 for P.E. what a joy

What's the last sporting event you watched?- Hahaha. I don't watch sporting events expect the Olympics every four years.

What is your favorite animal?- Ohh ooooh Monkeys

Image Courtesy to National Geographic

Your dream vacation?- Going to South Korea, yes please!

Last person's house you were in?- Megan's

Worst injury you've ever had? I sprained my ankle, I guess you can say I'm not that physical

Have you been in love?- is the exact definition of love again?

Do you miss anyone right now?- To be honest? Like in this moment, no.

Last play you saw?- Romeo and Juliet from last year, do you guys remember that play?

What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?- What? Why would you lure a boy? That does not make any sense!

What are your plans for tonight?- Pack for California and Las Vegas then sleep

Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?- ...What's Myspace? Hahaha just joking but like really.

Next trip you are going to take?- California and Las Vegas

Ever go to camp?- Yes, like forest camping? And for like summer camp I say yes to that one too.

Were you an honor roll student in school?- Yes, hopefully for the rest of my LIFE...umm that's going little over board but that"'s my goal in high school not my life (I was just joking).

What do you want to know about the future?- My fabulous future job, handsome husband, and my cute children.

Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?- Justin Bieber perfume, I don't know the name but it smells like a lemonade cupcakes!

Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?- Nope, healthy as ever

Where is your best friend?- I have multiple and they are either watching youtube videos, studying, or sleeping.

Image Courtesy to Dacrazyz

How is your best friend?- Great, except for one of them slapped me in the face EXTREMELY hard like five times today even though I slapped her once (the life of having a best friend).

Do you have a tan?- I was born tan soo I guess #alldayeveryday

What are you listening to right now?- My stepdad's TV show

Do you collect anything?- Nope, that's one of the most hardest things to do in life

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?- All the ones who tell people's secrets

Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?- Again, no car = no pulled over

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?- Yes and it totally was fun, I'm doing that again...for sure!

What does your last text message say?-  "I'm at the salon"

Do you like hot sauce?- Depends on the food

Last time you took a shower?- Last night

Do you need to do laundry?- Yes and I forgot to soo I will be right back...shoot

What is your heritage?- ASIAAAAAN... and like Mongolian too
Mongolia Represent! haha Image Coursey to memecrunch

Are you someone's best friend?- YES...yes

Are you rich?- Rich in my heart (Cheeeeessssyyyy) but yes compared to other people I consider myself rich even though there are people even richer.

What were you doing at 12AM last night?- Dreaming about Ice Cream

There you guys have it, now you know 50 random facts about me...this was actually entertaining!  I have to go and pack...I hate packing it's one of those dreads that comes with vacation but you gotta do watcha gotta do (first world problems).  Anyways see you guys next week and as always stay beautiful:) 

Friday, April 4, 2014

TaRgEt HaUl



Hello!!! Today I am extremely thrilled to share with you guys my Tarje haul.  Okay, this weekend I went to Target to find some leggings and socks but I started to wander off onto clothes and found myself with a whole basket.  Jeez, my shopping craze can blow up but as soon as it does, I get bored and want to leave.  Annnyyyways, after trying on all these clothes I only chose about three items that I needed or any basics for my closet.  I also bought some beauty products with my own money but it was sooo aggravating for me to not buy another mascara.  Those little poops are really addicting to buy!  

Item #1

The first item I bought was this simple white t-shirt.  I used to have one until I washed the shirt with darks (Tushig do you ever use your brain?) it turned all gross and grey so I was in a need of a plain tee.  I honestly think a plain white t-shirt is an essential for any closet; it can be pair with anything or go as itself (I wore my plain tee with overalls).

Item #2

Yayay, I found myself with another crop top.  This kind of crop top isn't all fancy or proper.  It has more of a laid back feature to it and I think that is what makes it special.  It's also is a muscle tee so it can be worn as a top for swimming suits, bandos, or even tank tops.  The tank top material is extremely soft translating to being realllyy comfy.

Item #3

OVERALLSSSS...okay well I guess I'm a little excited but guys like seriously, I love overalls.  I used to own one as a child but they have made their comeback and are ready to be trendy as ever (If you want to see more of a 90's combacks check out Dani's blog).  This sweet baby is the fashion statement.  Personally, I like overall shorts and dresses than actual pant overalls because the pants makes me look short and chubby.  If you look wonderful in them, I am soooo make everyone jealous, so keep on wearing them!  (Tip: Do not tighten your straps too tight or else it will become an uncomfortable situation.) 

Item #4  

Image Courtesy to Almay
Do you ever get that feeling after wearing mascara everyday?Your eyelashes are like drooping and dying.  Well it's happening to my eyelashes now and I feel bad for them.  The eye make up remover I use is just the plain wipes.  Let me tell you after like three months, my eyelashes started to fall out, literally.  I felt like taking more care of them so I bought the Almay Long and Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover pads.  The advantage to this is it's ready to be used with prepared pads.  I recommend it to people who wear waterproof mascara because 90% of the pad is oil so it's great for removing waterproof eye makeup.

Image Courtsey to Revlon

Item #5  

Beginning from May, I have to attend all these fancy events which translates into buying more makeup!!! Jk, but the only missing beauty product in my makeup collection was a light pink lipgloss.  From Target I bought the Revlon Pango Peach.  The color gives off a slight shine and makes your lips look pumped and big (considering that my lips are already big... I only use one coat).


Item #6

Hey people, I had this craving for white clean shoes.  Do you ever get these cravings for shoes?  Let's make up a term for it and call it Shoe Craves (such a creative term).  After shopping for clothes, I bolted for the shoe section. I bought Van knock offs and they look exactly like the real Vans too. Can you believe it? The shoes were ONLY twelve dollars...yes please one for me!

Thank you for reading the newest haul and as always stay beautiful:)

Friday, March 28, 2014


@ Michaels


Hello readers out there, how are you?  Good, today I am doing something different to spice up this beauty blog and it's called a BFC!!!  In case you haven't read it on Emily's blog, it stands for Best Friend Collab.  You choose any one of your best friends and just talk about your many adventures, how you became friends, and all the other things best friends do.  Besides,it is going to be Emily's birthday next week so it's like a birthday shout for her too!  Yay! you get to learn about us woohoo...okay let's get started.

First Impression...or Calculators

Soo, all I remember of Emily the first time I saw her was this tiny little person who seemed to have this perfect "be my friend" aura.  The moment I sensed this I was like YES I will and be her friend.  It took some time because she was a complete stranger to me and a factor of Emily being shy became a slight problem.  I slowly inched with small conversations but our first like friend thingy was when we were in science (the only class I had with her so it was always in science).  I asked to be her partner and I think she thought I was some sort of a creep but I guess she was fine with it and said, "sure."  The end of science was coming faster and we had to finish our "oh so hard" seventh grade science lab.  We dashed for our calculators and plugged in the numbers. It turned out we had totally different answers; the calculators kept telling us two completely irrelevant numbers.  Being the "intelligent" seventh graders, we traded our old calculators to see if it was the calculator (not us...phhsshsh).  Hahahaha..if I ever went back and saw little Emily and Tushig, I would burst open and laugh.

Please Don't Kill Me Emily

Adventures...and Stalking;)  

Emily and I have a huge list of our adventures we have gone through and experienced through out the years.  Most "adventures" were from last year.  Every other day -- after math class last year -- we both had to drag ourselves to the high school but the most interesting part was sharing our stories.  We would exchange all of our "personal" happenings and exchange laughs along the way.  Even though it was a small five minute walk, that was when we actually became closer.  The most fun factor was having not one person behind us listening and it was second period so we could talk about ANYTHING.  (Emily, if you are reading this then you probably know what I'm talking about.)

Our other adventures consisted of stalking people (more like boys) by searching for their houses (oh jeez now the whole world knows...jk know one reads this blog sooo) and online for two hours hahahaha.  There was also you know just touching, a dead cow's heart and lungs...joyful (and it smelled so nicely...Emily can tell you every thing about it).  We went to this University thing and all these smart and nerdy children were there and we felt really stupid but that was okay.  Also at that University thing, we were forced to dance to this Brave song...I'm sorry can we take a moment to just imagine that.  Imagine all these smart but nerdy kids who are awkward and TOTAL strangers; they wanted all of US to dance and be "crazy." Let's just say... no thank you
Emily and I also made up code names heeehee (Steven, Monkey, AM, and many more), make up dances in our seats (CcccCcc), and sing about food in Emily's lunch:)  (Quesadilla...lllalllalla)

Skiing with Emily and Sabrina :)

Emily <3  

What I love most about Emily is her perrrsonality..yes.  At first she seems shy and you would NEVER think she could be this crazy person after getting to know her better.  Emily is one of the MOST intelligent friend I have ever met and she always a great source to talk to.  Her sense of humor is like mine so when we joke about the most dumbest things, we always have laugh attacks.  Emily loves to dance with her TALENTED dance moves and is always obsessed with Josh Hutcherson (Honey, you can do sooo much better!).  Her tiny little self makes me want to hug her and protect her but do not get fooled because she can perfectly defend herself (she has a full poppin six pack soooo yaaa).  Happy Early Birthday!  I hope you get an Ipad for your birthday and many other incredible wishes you with for... I LOVE YOU EMILY!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Korean Inspired Makeup Tutorial

Makeup Makeup Makeup


As most you of you guys know, I am obsessed with everything that has to do with Korea.  Even right now I'm listening to Kpop while writing this blog heeehee.  I decided to do a makeup tutorial on Korean makeup because their way of using makeup is a little bit different from the U.S.  It may seem kind of weird but work with me because I am actually excited to do this blog post.  Okay, let's get started!

Step 1    

Apply BB cream, foundation, lotion or what ever type of base you like to use to start with.  In Korea, they want to have lighter skin (the ideal skin color) so they usually choose a lighter shade from their body...I think our own skin color is beautiful but what ever floats your boat.

Any Base

Step 2

I am going to apply some eyeshadow primer before applying eyeshadow and eye liner because it lasts longer and prevents smudging.  I bought the Naked Pallet 3 which came with Urban Decay samples so I took advantage of this.  (I was soo excited cause I couldn't buy the fifty dollar eye primer with the other fifty dollar eyeshadow pallet.)


Step 3  

I am taking this neutral matte color (beige or light brown) as the over all base.  Koreans do not use much eye shadow because they want to aim for a natural look.  This eyeshadow just gives a small spice to your eyes.  After applying the basic "coat" for the eyes take a shimmery or sparkly pink eyeshadow to highlight under your eyes.  This gives a soft glow to your eyes and shows "aegyo" fat; if you have "aegyo" fat it is meant to make your look younger and youthful. If you want you, can use some of your light eyeshadow to highlight the brow bone too.

Beige or Light Brown

Just Smelling the Air

Step 4 

Now, I am taking a pencil liner (Bare Minerals Big and Bright in Black Coffee) to line my eyes.  It doesn't HAVE to be a pencil but I prefer it because it gives a softer look and again with the youthful kind of image.  I am lining the eye at the base and at the end of the line this is when the key part of Korean concept comes in.  You want to keep the line down as you draw it instead of winging it.  This downward eye line gives a puppy eye feel and the particular line technique is extremely popular in Korea. (Here is more information on the technique

In Black Coffe

Keep the eyeliner down

Step 5

The easiest step is to curl dem lashes and add coats of mascara.  There isn't a perfect way to apply but I love mascara because it makes my eyelashes apear to be longer and fuller.  (Hahahahaahah even though they are sooooo short.)

Mascara collection


Step 6 

For blush, I am barely using (The Bare Minerals Avent-Garden) lighten my cheeks.  You want to gently fluff your cheeks with the blush brush. WIth the light skin tone and natural look, blush isn't necessary but I will use a small amount for the fun of it.


Blush Time

Step 7

For the last and final step take a shade of light pink or orange lipgloss.  The ombre look or orange lips are THE trend in Korea.  I didn't feel like wearing ombre lips but there will be a picture of it at the end of the blog.

Lip Collection

Yayay we have finally finished the look and now you know how to apply a Korean styled makeup.  (You can let your hair down after all your makeup is done... yes yes) I hoped this helped and was fun to read, it was soooo hard to take these pictures and awkward because my parents thought I was taking selfies when in reality I was actually taking selfies for English!  Thank you and as always stay beautiful;)

Finished Look

Oh and here is the picture for the Korean Ombre Lips, they actually look pretty cool.  As you can see it starts with from a dark shade and transforms into a light or neutral color. Comment below if you want to try out the ombre look!

Photo Courtesy to